PlayerData Reference

PlayerData is the main component of holding and saving various different aspects of the player’s progress throughout the game. It holds a lot of data, most of which is used in game.

In every code block following, assume PlayerData pd = PlayerData.instance was made.

When using these variables for computing, consider getting the values using e.g. PlayerData.instance.GetBool("gotCharm_1"), as this way other mods can make their changes to those values without breaking anything.

This is only a list of the most important pieces of PlayerData.


Below are health related members and their respective default values.

// Amount of total current masks left = 5;
// Amount of max masks (execluding joni charm)
pd.maxHealth = 5;
// Amount of max masks
pd.maxHealthBase = 5;
// Amount of lifeblood masks (important for fury charm)
pd.healthBlue = 0;
// Likely exclusivly used withing PlayMakerFSMs
pd.joniHealthBlue = 0;
// Only used to check if you have all heart pieces
pd.maxHealthCap = 9;
// Stores previous health amount, basically unused
pd.prevHealth =;

// Likely exclusivly used withing PlayMakerFSMs
pd.heartPieces = 0;
// Likely exclusivly used withing PlayMakerFSMs
pd.heartPieceCollected = false;
// Gets set to true when pd.maxHealthBase == pd.maxHealthCap
pd.heartPieceMax = false;

// Amount of hits left that baldur charm will block
pd.blockerHits = 4;

Collectables & Geo

Below are collectable related members and their respective default values.

// Likely exclusivly used withing PlayMakerFSMs
pd.firstGeo = false;
// Used as a currency in Hollow Knight, almost exclusivly used withing PlayMakerFSMs
pd.geo = 0;
// Likely exclusivly used withing PlayMakerFSMs
pd.geoPool = 0;
// Likely exclusivly used withing PlayMakerFSMs
pd.fountainGeo = 0;

// Amount of Wanderer's Journals the player has
pd.trinket1 = 0;
// Whether the player has found one
pd.foundTrinket1 = false;
// Amount of Hallownest Seals the player has
pd.trinket2 = 0;
// Whether the player has found one
pd.foundTrinket2 = false;
// Amount of King's Idols the player has
pd.trinket3 = 0;
// Whether the player has found one
pd.foundTrinket3 = false;
// Amount of Arcane Eggs the player has
pd.trinket4 = 0;
// Whether the player has found one
pd.foundTrinket4 = false;
// Whether the player doesn't have the given trinket
pd.noTrinket1 = false;
pd.noTrinket2 = false;
pd.noTrinket3 = false;
pd.noTrinket4 = false;
// Amount of trinkets the player sold
pd.soldTrinket1 = 0;
pd.soldTrinket2 = 0;
pd.soldTrinket3 = 0;
pd.soldTrinket4 = 0;

// Amount of Simple Keys the player has
pd.simpleKeys = 0;
// Amount of Rancid Eggs the player has
pd.rancidEggs = 0;

// Amount of essence the player has
pd.dreamOrbs = 0;
// Amount of essence the player has already spent
pd.dreamOrbsSpent = 0;
// Amount of Geo the Shade has stored
pd.ghostCoins = 0;
// Amount of Pale Ore the player has
pd.ore = 0;

Abilities & Items

Below are Ability & Item related members and their respective default values.

// Mothwing Cloak
pd.hasDash = false;
// Mantis Claw
pd.hasWallJump = false;
// Crystal Heart
pd.hasSuperDash = false;
// Shade Cloak
pd.hasShadowDash = false;
// Isma's Tear
pd.hasAcidArmour = false;
// Monarch Wings
pd.hasDoubleJump = false;
// Lumafly Lantern
pd.hasLantern = false;
// Tram Pass
pd.hasTramPass = false;
// Quill
pd.hasQuill = false;
// Map
pd.hasMap = false;
// City Crest
pd.hasCityKey = false;
// Shopkeeper's Key
pd.hasSlykey = false;
// Whether the player gave sly his key
pd.gaveSlykey = false;
// Elegant Key
pd.hasWhiteKey = false;
// Whether the player used the Elegant Key
pd.usedWhiteKey = false;
// Unused key to Menderbug's house
pd.hasMenderKey = false;
// Unused key to the Waterways
pd.hasWaterwaysKey = false;
// Unused key to a spa
pd.hasSpaKey = false;
// Love Key
pd.hasLoveKey = false;
// King's Brand
pd.hasKingsBrand = false;
// Delicate Flower
pd.hasXunFlower = false;
// Whether the Delicate Flower is broken
pd.xunFlowerBroken = false;
// How many times the Delicate Flower has been broken
pd.xunFlowerBrokeTimes = 0;
// Whether the Delicate Flower was delivered
pd.xunFlowerGiven = false;
// Godtuner
pd.hasGodfinder = false;

// Whether the player has any spell
pd.hasSpell = false;
// 1: Vengeful Spirit; 2: Shade Soul
pd.fireballLevel = 0;
// 1: Desolate Dive; 2: Descending Dark
pd.quakeLevel = 0;
// 1: Howling Wraiths; 2: Abyss Shriek
pd.screamLevel = 0;
// Whether the player has any nail art
pd.hasNailArt = false;
// Cyclone Slash
pd.hasCyclone = false;
// Dash Slash
pd.hasDashSlash = false;
// Great Slash
pd.hasUpwardSlash = false;
// Whether the player has all nail arts
pd.hasAllNailArts = false;
// Dream Nail
pd.hasDreamNail = false;
// Dreamgate
pd.hasDreamGate = false;
// Awoken Dream Nail
pd.dreamNailUpgraded = false;


Below are Charm related members and their respective default values.

// How many charm notches the player has
pd.charmSlots = 3;
// How many charm notches are used
pd.charmSlotsFilled = 0;
// Whether the player has a charm
pd.hasCharm = false;
// List of equipped charms
pd.equippedCharms = new List<int>();
// Whether the player had the message about charms
pd.charmBenchMsg = false;
// Amount of charms the player has
pd.charmsOwned = 0;
// Whether the player can overcharm
pd.canOvercharm = false;
// Whether the player is overcharmed
pd.overcharmed = false;

// Continues from charm 1 all the way to 40
// Whether the player owns the charm
pd.gotCharm_1 = false;
// Whether the player has the charm equipped
pd.equippedCharm_1 = false;
// Amount of notches the charm costs (min 0 - max 6)
pd.charmCost_1 = 1;
// Whether the charm is freshly obtained
pd.newCharm_1 = true;

// Whether the health charm is unbreakable
pd.fragileHealth_unbreakable = false;
// Whether the greed charm is unbreakable
pd.fragileGreed_unbreakable = false;
// Whether the strength charm is unbreakable
pd.fragileStrength_unbreakable = false;
// State of the Kingsoul / Void Heart charm (min 0 - max 4)
pd.royalCharmState = 0;
// State of the Grimmchild / Carefree Melody charm (min 1 - max 5)
    pd.grimmChildLevel = 1;

Hunter’s Journal

Below are Journal related members and their respective default values.

// Whether the player has the Hunter's Journal
pd.hasJournal = false;
// Last entry looked at
pd.lastJournalItem = 0;
// Whether the player has seen the journal message
pd.seenJournalMsg = false;
// Whether the player has seen the hunter message
pd.seenHunterMsg = false;
// Whether the player has a full journal
pd.fillJournal = false;
// Amount of completed entries
pd.journalEntriesCompleted = 0;
// Idk if it is used
pd.journalNotesCompleted = 0;
// Amount of total entries
pd.journalEntriesTotal = 0;

// Whether you unlocked the journal entry of an enemy
pd.killedDummy = false;
// Amount of enemies left to kill before unlocking the entry
pd.killsDummy = 0;
// Whether the entry is freshly unlocked
pd.newDataDummy = false;


Below are other members and their respective default values.

// Maybe unused
pd.currentArea = 0;
// Visited scenes
pd.scenesVisited = new List<string>();
// Mapped scenes
pd.scenesMapped = new List<string>();
// Sadly appears to be unused
pd.playerStory = new List<string>();

Various Booleans

I chose to not include any of the flags used for different parts of Hollow Knight, as those would unnecessarily bloat this document.

Such flags would include: - Entered Godhome - The White Palace Orbs

NPC Dialogue

I chose to not include any of the flags used for dialogue of NPCs, as those would unnecessarily bloat this document.