Utility Mod SFcore


You can add custom achievements, charms and items without having a good understanding of the various aspects that run Hollow Knight and its mods. Therefore, this guide recommends and expects that you have already worked with the following topics:

  • Understanding the structure of a basic mod.
  • Adding embedded resources to a mod.
  • Adding references to other mods.

Add custom achievements

  1. Initialize the AchievementHelper with 1 custom achievement and empty sprites.


This step is the one where you can add your custom sprites. Simply load those instead of the new Sprite().


For the Convo’s to work properly, you need the ModHooks.Instance.LanguageGetHook similar to the Helper above, but only listening to your custom convo keys.

public override void Initialize()
    AchievementHelper.Add("YourCustomAchievementKey", new Sprite(), "YourCustomLanguageConvo", "YourCustomLanguageConvo", false);
  1. Done! Now you can at some point in your mod have GameManager.instance.AwardAchievement("YourCustomAchievementKey"); to grant the player the achievement.

Add custom charms

The code for a CharmHelper_Example is also available.

  1. Preparation of your save settings of your mod to hold data for charms.
// insert default values here
public List<bool> gotCharms = new List<bool>() { true };
public List<bool> newCharms = new List<bool>() { false };
public List<bool> equippedCharms = new List<bool>() { false };
public List<int> charmCosts = new List<int>() { 1 };
  1. Add the CharmHelper as a member of your main mod class
//private Sprite testSprite;
public CharmHelper charmHelper { get; private set; }
  1. Initialize the CharmHelper with a custom charm and empty sprite, also initialize the callbacks needed.


This step is the one where you can add your custom sprites. Simply load those instead of the new Sprite().

public override void Initialize()
    charmHelper = new CharmHelper();
    charmHelper.customCharms = 4;
    charmHelper.customSprites = new Sprite[] { new Sprite(), new Sprite(), new Sprite(), new Sprite() };
    //charmHelper.customSprites = new Sprite[] { testSprite, testSprite, testSprite, testSprite };

  1. Initialize the callbacks needed.
private void initCallbacks()
    ModHooks.Instance.LanguageGetHook += OnLanguageGetHook;
    ModHooks.Instance.GetPlayerBoolHook += OnGetPlayerBoolHook;
    ModHooks.Instance.SetPlayerBoolHook += OnSetPlayerBoolHook;
    ModHooks.Instance.GetPlayerIntHook += OnGetPlayerIntHook;
    ModHooks.Instance.SetPlayerIntHook += OnSetPlayerIntHook;
  1. The callbacks for language should include
if (key.StartsWith("CHARM_NAME_"))
    int charmNum = int.Parse(key.Split('_')[2]);
    if (charmHelper.charmIDs.Contains(charmNum))
        return "CHARM NAME";
if (key.StartsWith("CHARM_DESC_"))
    int charmNum = int.Parse(key.Split('_')[2]);
    if (charmHelper.charmIDs.Contains(charmNum))
        return "CHARM DESC";
  1. The callbacks for boolean checks should include
private bool OnGetPlayerBoolHook(string target)
    if (target.StartsWith("gotCharm_"))
        int charmNum = int.Parse(target.Split('_')[1]);
        if (charmHelper.charmIDs.Contains(charmNum))
            return Settings.gotCharms[charmHelper.charmIDs.IndexOf(charmNum)];
    if (target.StartsWith("newCharm_"))
        int charmNum = int.Parse(target.Split('_')[1]);
        if (charmHelper.charmIDs.Contains(charmNum))
            return Settings.newCharms[charmHelper.charmIDs.IndexOf(charmNum)];
    if (target.StartsWith("equippedCharm_"))
        int charmNum = int.Parse(target.Split('_')[1]);
        if (charmHelper.charmIDs.Contains(charmNum))
            return Settings.equippedCharms[charmHelper.charmIDs.IndexOf(charmNum)];
    return PlayerData.instance.GetBoolInternal(target);
private void OnSetPlayerBoolHook(string target, bool val)
    if (target.StartsWith("gotCharm_"))
        int charmNum = int.Parse(target.Split('_')[1]);
        if (charmHelper.charmIDs.Contains(charmNum))
            Settings.gotCharms[charmHelper.charmIDs.IndexOf(charmNum)] = val;
    if (target.StartsWith("newCharm_"))
        int charmNum = int.Parse(target.Split('_')[1]);
        if (charmHelper.charmIDs.Contains(charmNum))
            Settings.newCharms[charmHelper.charmIDs.IndexOf(charmNum)] = val;
    if (target.StartsWith("equippedCharm_"))
        int charmNum = int.Parse(target.Split('_')[1]);
        if (charmHelper.charmIDs.Contains(charmNum))
            Settings.equippedCharms[charmHelper.charmIDs.IndexOf(charmNum)] = val;
    PlayerData.instance.SetBoolInternal(target, val);
  1. The callbacks for integer checks should include
private int OnGetPlayerIntHook(string target)
    if (target.StartsWith("charmCost_"))
        int charmNum = int.Parse(target.Split('_')[1]);
        if (charmHelper.charmIDs.Contains(charmNum))
            return Settings.charmCosts[charmHelper.charmIDs.IndexOf(charmNum)];
    return PlayerData.instance.GetIntInternal(target);
private void OnSetPlayerIntHook(string target, int val)
    // We don't need other mods to adjust the cost of our charms, but it could be added if wanted
    PlayerData.instance.SetIntInternal(target, val);

Add custom enviroment particles

  1. Initialize the EnviromentParticleHelper with custom particles. We will use enviroment type 7, which has no sprites but the same audio as grass enviroment. As such we won’t be adding custom audio.


This step is the one where you can add your custom sprites. Simply load those instead of the new Sprite().

public override void Initialize()

    EnviromentParticleHelper.AddCustomDashEffectsHook += AddCustomDashEffectsHook;
private (int enviromentType, GameObject dashEffects) AddCustomDashEffectsHook(DashEffect self)
    var prefab = self.dashGrass;
    var tmp = UObject.Instantiate(prefab, prefab.transform.parent);
    var tmpPSR = tmp.GetComponentInChildren<ParticleSystemRenderer>();
    var tmpPSR_M = tmpPSR.materials;
    tmpPSR_M[0].SetTexture("_MainTex", new Texture());
    return (7, tmp);
  1. Done! You can now have custom enviroment particles.

Add custom inventory items

  1. Initialize the ItemHelper with custom items and empty sprites.


This step is the one where you can add your custom sprites. Simply load those instead of the new Sprite().


For the Convo’s to work properly, you need the ModHooks.Instance.LanguageGetHook similar to the Helper above, but only listening to your custom convo keys.


For the playerdataBool to work properly, you need the ModHooks.Instance.GetPlayerBoolHook & ModHooks.Instance.SetPlayerBoolHook similar to the CharmHelper, but only listening to your custom bool key.


For the playerdataInt to work properly, you need the ModHooks.Instance.GetPlayerIntHook & ModHooks.Instance.SetPlayerIntHook similar to the CharmHelper, but only listening to your custom int key.

public override void Initialize()
    // Normal Items, like the Kings Brand, Crystal Heart, etc.
    ItemHelper.AddNormalItem("YourUniqueStateName", new Sprite(), "YourCustomPlayerDataBool", "YourCustomLanguageConvo", "YourCustomLanguageConvo");

    // Counted Items, like Simple Keys, Rancid Eggs, etc.
    ItemHelper.AddCountedItem("YourUniqueStateName", new Sprite(), "YourCustomPlayerDataInt", "YourCustomLanguageConvo", "YourCustomLanguageConvo");

    // 1 2 Items, like the Map, Quill, but without Map and Quill
        new Sprite(), new Sprite(), // Sprites
        "YourCustomPlayerDataBool", "YourCustomPlayerDataBool", // PlayerData Bools
        "YourCustomLanguageConvo", "YourCustomLanguageConvo", // Name Convos
        "YourCustomLanguageConvo", "YourCustomLanguageConvo"); // Description Convos

    // 1 2 Both Items, like the Map, Quill and Map and Quill
        new Sprite(), new Sprite(), new Sprite(), // Sprites
        "YourCustomPlayerDataBool", "YourCustomPlayerDataBool", // PlayerData Bools
        "YourCustomLanguageConvo", "YourCustomLanguageConvo", "YourCustomLanguageConvo", // Name Convos
        "YourCustomLanguageConvo", "YourCustomLanguageConvo", "YourCustomLanguageConvo"); // Description Convos
  1. Done! You can now have custom Inventory Items.

Add custom title logos

  1. Initialize the TitleLogoHelper with a logo spite.


This step is is being done best in the constructor of your mod class.


This step is the one where you can add your custom sprites. Simply load those instead of the new Sprite().

private int LogoId = -1;
public ModName()
    LogoId = TitleLogoHelper.AddLogo(new Sprite());
  1. Done! You can now have custom title logos.

Add custom menu styles

  1. Initialize the MenuStyleHelper with a “custom” menu theme. We make an unused menu style avaiable and also center the gameobjects of that style.


This step is is being done best in the constructor of your mod class.


This can utilize custom logos.

public ModName()
    MenuStyleHelper.AddMenuStyleHook += AddMyMenuStyle;

// this auto-generates, but you can leave the variable names out to save space
private (string languageString, GameObject styleGo, int titleIndex, string unlockKey, string[] achievementKeys, MenuStyles.MenuStyle.CameraCurves cameraCurves, AudioMixerSnapshot musicSnapshot) AddMyMenuStyle(MenuStyles self)
    GameObject menuStylesGo = self.gameObject;
    var radiantStyleGo = menuStylesGo.transform.GetChild(4).gameObject;

    var cameraCurves = new MenuStyles.MenuStyle.CameraCurves
        saturation = 1.0f,
        redChannel = new AnimationCurve(),
        greenChannel = new AnimationCurve(),
        blueChannel = new AnimationCurve()
    cameraCurves.redChannel.AddKey(new Keyframe(0f, 0f));
    cameraCurves.redChannel.AddKey(new Keyframe(1f, 1f));
    cameraCurves.greenChannel.AddKey(new Keyframe(0f, 0f));
    cameraCurves.greenChannel.AddKey(new Keyframe(1f, 1f));
    cameraCurves.blueChannel.AddKey(new Keyframe(0f, 0f));
    cameraCurves.blueChannel.AddKey(new Keyframe(1f, 1f));

    AudioMixerSnapshot audioSnapshot = self.styles[1].musicSnapshot.audioMixer.FindSnapshot("Normal");

    // Replace the -1 with a custom Logo ID if you want to
    return ("UI_MENU_STYLE_RADIANT", radiantStyleGo, -1, "", null, cameraCurves, audioSnapshot);
  1. Done! You can now have custom menu styles.

“Debugging” PlayMaker FSMs

Get your fsm and add a log action.

var fsm = gameObject.LocateMyFsm("FSM name here");
fsm.AddAction("FSM state name here", new ActualLogAction() { text = "Log message here" });


Similar in functionality as the one found int ModCommon, but also works with the HK 1.5 beta.

var fsm = gameObject.LocateMyFsm("FSM name here");
fsm.AddFsmState("New empty state name");
fsm.AddTransition("from state", "event name", "to state"); // the state has to exist first
fsm.AddGlobalTransition("global event name", "to state"); // the state has to exist first
fsm.ChangeTransition("from state", "event name", "new to state"); // the state has to exist first
fsm.GetState("FSM state name here"); // returns a state, if you ever need it
fsm.CopyState("original state name", "name of new copied state"); // returns copied state
fsm.GetAction<ActionType>("FSM state name here", 0); // returns action instance
fsm.AddAction("FSM state name here", new FsmStateAction());
fsm.InsertAction("FSM state name here", new FsmStateAction(), 0);
fsm.RemoveAction("FSM state name here", 0);
fsm.AddFloatVariable("new variable name");
fsm.AddIntVariable("new variable name");
fsm.AddBoolVariable("new variable name");
fsm.AddStringVariable("new variable name");
fsm.AddVector2Variable("new variable name");
fsm.AddVector3Variable("new variable name");
fsm.AddColorVariable("new variable name");
fsm.AddRectVariable("new variable name");
fsm.AddQuaternionVariable("new variable name");
fsm.AddGameObjectVariable("new variable name");


Currently allows to reset everything audio of an SceneManager and set the values of a Vector3.

var sm = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<SceneManager>();
sm.transform.position.Set(0, 0, 0);


Currently allows to search in a UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene for UnityEngine.GameObject.

UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager.activeSceneChanged += OnSceneChanged;


private void OnSceneChanged(UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene from, UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene to)
    var smGo = to.FindRoot("_SceneManager");
    var someChildGo = to.Find("Whatever");
    var someOtherChildGo = smGo.Find("Whatever");


Allows miscellaneous stuff and also a GetVersion function that adds hash to version number.

someObject.SetAttr<ObjectClass, FieldType>("fieldName", fieldValue);
var value = someObject.GetAttr<ObjectClass, FieldType>("fieldName");


Name Functionality
BlurPlanePatcher Fixes the blurplane in custom scenes that don’t include their own shaders.
PatchMusicRegions Fixes MusicRegions for easy use of custom BGM.
SceneMapPatcher Fixes scenemap in custom scenes that don’t include their own shaders.
SpritePatcher Fixes sprites in custom scenes that don’t include their own shaders.

Generic Mods

In the modding api for the 1.5 version of hollow knight, generic mods will be removed, so they’re added in SFCore.

Name Summary
FullSettingsMod A mod with save and global settings
GlobalSettingsMod A mod with global settings
SaveSettingsMod A mod with save settings